以前、@s1mple さんに見せてもらった Common Lisp オブジェクトシステム をもう一度読んでみたくなりました。
ここの o/r mapper すごいすね。
- Gauche ユーザリファレンス: 7. オブジェクトシステム
- Gauche ユーザリファレンス: 2.5 統合されたオブジェクトシステム
- Gauche:スロットアクセス
- すべてオブジェクトである (もしそれがお望みなら) - karetta.jp
プログラミングGauche を見ながら写経してみたコードをつらつらと。
;; programming gauche - P.248 (define-class <count-instance-meta> (<class>) ((num-of-instance :init-value 0))) (define-class <count-instance-mixin> () () :metaclass <count-instance-meta>) (define-method make ((klass <count-instance-meta>) . initargs) (inc! (~ klass 'num-of-instance)) (next-method)) (define-class <myclass> (<count-instance-mixin>)()) (make <myclass>) (~ <myclass> 'num-of-instance) ;; -> 1 (make <myclass>) (~ <myclass> 'num-of-instance) ;; -> 2
(define-class <logger-generic> (<generic>)()) (define-generic add :class <logger-generic>) (define-method apply-generic ((gf <logger-generic>) args) (format #t "args: ~s\n" args) (let ((return-value (next-method))) (format #t "result: ~s\n" return-value) return-value)) (define-method add ((num1 <number>)(num2 <number>)) (+ num1 num2)) (add 3 4) ;; args: (3 4) ;; result: 7 ;; 7
(use gauche.time) (define-class <profiler-generic> (<logger-generic>) ((counter :init-value 0) (time :init-form (make <real-time-counter>)))) (define-generic sub :class <profiler-generic>) (define-method apply-generic ((gf <profiler-generic>) args) (inc! (~ gf 'counter)) (with-time-counter (~ gf 'time)(next-method))) (define-method sub ((num1 <number>)(num2 <number>)) (- num1 num2)) (define-method get-profile ((gf <profiler-generic>)) (format #t "~s: ~d times called and spent time ~d\n" (~ gf 'time)(~ gf 'counter) (time-counter-value (~ gf 'time)))) (define-method init-profile ((gf <profiler-generic>)) (set! (~ gf 'counter) 0) (set! (~ gf 'time)(make <real-time-counter>))) (use srfi-1) (init-profile sub) (define val (with-output-to-string (^ _ (map sub (iota 10000 100 3) (iota 10000 100 5))))) (get-profile sub) ;; #<<real-time-counter> 0.836>: 10000 times called and spent time 0.8360000000000006
(define-class <profiler-generic> (<generic>) ((counter :init-value 0) (time :init-form (make <real-time-counter>)))) (define-class <logger-profiler-generic> (<logger-generic> <profiler-generic>)()) (define-generic mul :class <logger-profiler-generic>) (define-method mul ((num1 <number>)(num2 <number>)) (* num1 num2)) (init-profile mul) (define val (with-output-to-string (^ _ (map mul (iota 10000 100 3) (iota 10000 100 5))))) (get-profile mul) ;; #<<real-time-counter> 0.339>: 10000 times called and spent time 0.33900000000000025
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