
IronSchemeとVisual Studio 2008

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Visual Studio 2008 でIronScheme を書けると聞いて。シンタックスハイライトと若干の入力補完もあると聞いて。設定失敗。あきらめた。また今度。




- Run from the command line:
  * If admin: RegPkg /codebase <absolute path of IronScheme.VisualStudio.dll>
  * If not admin: RegPkg /ranu /codebase <absolute path of IronScheme.VisualStudio.dll>
  * devenv /setup



C:\Program Files\IronScheme>regpkg "c:\program files\ironscheme\ironscheme.visualstudio.dll"


Registering   : IronScheme.VisualStudio
Registry Root : Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0
インストールされている製品:   IVsInstalledProduct インターフェイスを使用
パッケージ:          Package {0bc23fca-38ba-4cc2-9c39-1ed1c46172cb}
言語拡張: .sls、{4bfaea21-b66a-458b-bc32-24457c9178b7}
言語拡張: .sps、{4bfaea21-b66a-458b-bc32-24457c9178b7}
言語拡張: .ss、{4bfaea21-b66a-458b-bc32-24457c9178b7}
言語サービス: IronScheme、{4bfaea21-b66a-458b-bc32-24457c9178b7}
LoadKey:          IronScheme IronScheme.VisualStudio
必要なエディション: Standard
サービス:          LanguageService

SUCCEEDED:        IronScheme.VisualStudio



IronScheme Visual Studio 2008 Integration

A quick and dirty way to get your scripts to execute from within visual studio:
1) Click on the Tools Menu and choose "External Tools"
2) Click "Add" and enter a Name (I chose IronSc&heme, the ampersand denotes which character you can use as a shortcut)
3) Click the "..." next to Command and browse to where you installed IronScheme.Console.exe, select it and click "Open"
4) In the Arguments box, enter $(ItemPath) (you can choose other macros from the arrow button list to the right)
5) In the Initial Directory box, enter $(ItemDir) (again, you can choose other macros from the list to the right)
6) Uncheck close on exit
7) Click OK

Now you will be able to run the IronScheme console with your current file as input by selecting the menu item, or by hitting alt+T then H.
It's not a REPL, but it's pretty good for running stuff. Also, if you use ViEmu or other visual studio plugins, you will have access to them.





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